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Hello, I'm Morgane!

First of all, WELCOME! Thank you for coming here! I hope you'll enjoy your visit (and that you will come back of course!)

As the title says, I'm Morgane. (DUH.)

I'm 21, and I am proud to say I went away from college in june 2014 with a bachelor of arts after 3 years of hard work. Since then I spent (and still am) my time cooking and baking, with this little dream in the back of my head to become a pastry chef one day.

Although I've faced more than a fair number of struggles in my life, more than I wish to anybody in this life, cooking had been the only constant thing of my life. I have a lot of doubts in life, probably more than necessary, and I don't always know where all of this is going to go, but the one thing I know is that through all this, my kitchen has been my sanctuary. If I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm going to cook, no matter what, because I know that what I feel I'll put it in my food. If I'm sad, I'm going to channel all of these bad feeling into something positive, into the dish I'm making, and if I'm happy, I know that all of this happiness will reflect in what I'm cooking, it'll only make it better.

As long as I can remember, I've always loved being in the kitchen. I can't tell you how many smells are associated to memories in the kitchen... I remember watching my mom cooking and baking me cakes, I remember baking my first cakes with the help of my little brother, I remember the first meals I made on my own, and I have to be in the kitchen at least once a day. I'm my mom and dad's personal chef and they are my two tasters. My mom's always up for the challenge, but after a few years, my dad still has doubts sometimes, doubts that disappear as soon as he's taking the first bite of the meal I made... Cooking and baking isn't just a thing I do because you have to eat. I do it because that's what I do. I bake and I cook. I love spending time in the kitchen, trying new recipes and read cooking books/recipes online more than anything. I love putting all my heart into something that will be tasty and hopefully very pretty. I love creating memories related to food. More than any of that, I love seeing the smiles on the ones I love when they see and taste something I made and they like it.

I hope that with my help, you'll be able too, to make the people you love have that smile when they see and eat your creations. Welcome to my place, I hope you'll love it.

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